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Top Smart Device Smart Module System Design Company Inquiry
Smart Device
Use Case
Information management in facilities
     The information management system for hospital facilities

     - It can monitor temperature and humidity of hospital facilities in real time.
     - It can monitor the state of corridors.
     - It can show contamination condition data of any specific area detected
      by the sensor.
     - It can show the position of doctors and nurses inside the facilities.
     The information management system for a tunnel inside

     - It can monitor temperature and humidity of tunnel inside in real time.
     - It can detect emergencies and can issue a warning.
     - It can show the position of workers inside the tunnel.

   Company Profile
   Technical Intelligence
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   ≫ CSR
   ≫ Edge Computing
   ≫ GPS traking Unit
   ≫ Module SM-333N
   ≫ Module SM-913L
   ≫ System Design
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